aphids on cucumber

Cucumber Pests: How To Identify, Control, and Prevent

Cucumbers are a backyard garden favorite, loved for their refreshing crunch and versatility. Unfortunately, they can attract a variety of pests that threaten to damage your plants and reduce your harvest. Let’s explore the most common bugs on cucumber plants, how to spot them, the damage they cause, and the best ways to keep cucumber pests under control. Plus, discover how companion planting can naturally deter pests and protect your cucumber patch.


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Common Cucumber Pests and How to Control Them

cucumber pests

1. Cucumber Beetles


Cucumber beetles are small, striped or spotted beetles. The striped variety has yellow and black stripes down its back, while the spotted type features yellow bodies with black spots.


These pests chew holes in cucumber leaves, flowers, and fruits. Furthermore, they spread bacterial wilt, a devastating disease that can kill your plants.

Best Control Methods:

  • Physical Barriers: Use floating row covers to protect young plants.
  • Handpicking: Remove beetles manually if the infestation is minor.
  • Neem Oil Spray: Apply neem oil regularly to repel cucumber beetles effectively (remember that Neem oil does not discriminate against only bad bugs so try to make this a last resort in order to spare beneficial bugs).
  • Trap Crops: Plant crops like zucchini nearby to lure beetles away.
cucumber bugs control

2. Aphids


Aphids are tiny, pear-shaped insects that come in green, yellow, black, or red varieties. They often cluster on the undersides of leaves.


Aphids suck sap from plants, causing leaves to curl, yellow, and deform. They also excrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which attracts sooty mold, compounding the problem.

Best Control Methods:

  • Beneficial Insects: Introduce ladybugs and lacewings to feed on aphids.
  • Insecticidal Soap: Spray affected plants with a mixture of mild soap and water.
  • Water Spray: Use a strong jet of water to dislodge aphids from cucumber plants.
bugs on cucumbers

3. Spider Mites


bug on cucumber plant

Spider mites are tiny, reddish or greenish pests that often go unnoticed until webbing appears on plants.


These pests puncture plant cells to feed, causing yellow speckling and eventual leaf drop, which weakens cucumber plants over time.

Best Control Methods:

  • Watering: Keep plants well-watered, as spider mites thrive in dry conditions.
  • Predatory Mites: Introduce beneficial mites to control spider mite populations.
  • DIY Spray: Mix water, dish soap, and a dash of vegetable oil to spray on infested areas.
yellow spotted beetles

4. Squash Bugs


Squash bugs are shield-shaped brown or gray bugs often mistaken for stink bugs. They lay copper-colored eggs on the undersides of leaves.


Squash bugs suck sap from cucumber plants, causing wilting and eventual plant death if left unchecked.

Best Control Methods:

  • Handpicking: Remove bugs and eggs manually.
  • Trap Boards: Place boards near plants overnight and squash bugs hiding underneath in the morning.
  • Neem Oil: Spray neem oil to repel squash bugs and prevent egg-laying effectively.
ants on cucumber plant

5. Thrips


Thrips are tiny, slender insects that range from yellow to black in color. They often hide in flowers and on leaf undersides.


Thrips feed on plant juices, causing silvery streaks and spots on leaves. Severe infestations can stunt plant growth and reduce fruit yield significantly.

Best Control Methods:

  • Sticky Traps: Use yellow sticky traps to catch adult thrips.
  • Beneficial Insects: Release predatory insects like minute pirate bugs.
  • Neem Oil or Pyrethrin Spray: Apply these to infected plants to reduce thrip populations.
cucumber spider mites

Companion Plants to Deter Cucumber Pests

Companion planting is a natural and effective way to deter pests from cucumber plants. Below are some of the best companion plants for cucumbers:

1. Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums repel aphids, whiteflies, and cucumber beetles. Plant them around the base of your cucumber plants for optimal results in cucumber pest control.

2. Marigolds

Marigolds release a scent that deters many pests, including aphids and nematodes. Additionally, they attract beneficial insects that can help control bugs on cucumber plants.

3. Radishes

Radishes act as a trap crop for cucumber beetles, luring them away from cucumbers. Remember to harvest radishes frequently to keep beetle populations in check.

4. Dill and Fennel

These herbs attract predatory insects, such as lacewings and ladybugs, which feed on cucumber pests like aphids and thrips.

5. Onions and Garlic

The strong smell of onions and garlic deters aphids, thrips, and spider mites. Plant them as a border around your cucumber patch to keep pests at bay.

aphids on cucumber plants

Tips to Prevent Bugs on Cucumber Plants

  • Crop Rotation: Avoid planting cucumbers in the same spot each year to reduce pest buildup effectively.
  • Regular Inspection: Check plants daily for signs of pests and take immediate action if bugs are spotted.
  • Healthy Soil: Maintain soil health by adding compost and organic matter, which helps plants resist cucumber pests naturally.
  • Mulching: Use organic mulch to keep soil moist and prevent weeds that attract pests to cucumber plants.

Keeping pests off your cucumber plants doesn’t have to be a losing battle. By learning to identify common cucumber pests, understanding the damage they cause, and implementing the best cucumber bug control methods, you can ensure a healthy and productive harvest. Pair these strategies with companion planting for a natural, chemical-free way to protect your cucumbers. With these tips, your garden will thrive, and you’ll enjoy a bountiful cucumber crop all season long.

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