All About Fowl On The Homestead

Fowl are among the most versatile and easiest animals to start with on the homestead. Whether you’re looking to raise chickens, ducks, turkeys, or other poultry, these birds can provide a variety of benefits, from fresh eggs to pest control, meat, and even fertilizer for your garden. Their relatively simple care requirements and adaptability make them an excellent choice for beginners.

Getting Started With Fowl

Here you’ll find everything you need to know to begin your fowl-raising adventure, from selecting the right breeds for your needs to preparing their living spaces and understanding their basic care requirements. This guide will help you lay a strong foundation for a healthy and productive flock.

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Egg Preservation Guide

Learn to preserve the abundance with this FREE guide containing over 10 different ways to turn those fresh eggs into a shelf stable product you can use all year round!

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Holistic Approach To Raising Fowl

Here you’ll discover how to incorporate herbs into your fowl’s diet and care routine, prevent common illnesses naturally, and maintain a thriving flock without relying on synthetic medications or chemicals. This holistic perspective aligns with the principles of sustainable homesteading, enhancing both the health of your birds and the quality of the food they produce.

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Caring For Fowl

This area of content covers all the key elements of fowl care, including the best feeding practices, housing solutions, and tips for maintaining their environment. You’ll also find guidance on harvesting eggs and meat, ensuring you can make the most of your flock. Whether you’re raising chickens, ducks, or other poultry, this section provides the insights you need to care for your fowl holistically and sustainably.