Dehydrated Sourdough Starter


Kickstart your culinary journey with our Dehydrated Sourdough Starter. This incredibly simple, yet remarkably effective product will bring mouth-watering homemade sourdough bread within your reach, in just a few days.

Our dried sourdough starter is carefully dehydrated, ensuring that the beneficial yeast and lactic acid bacteria remain dormant until you’re ready to awaken them in your kitchen.

As easy as 1-2-3, just add water, followed by regular flour feedings, and you’ll have an active, bubbly, and beautifully smelling sourdough starter, ready to raise your sourdough bread to new heights.

Made with organic ingredients, this dried starter comes from a lineage of strong, well-fed, and lovingly cared for cultures.

So say goodbye to the weeks-long process of creating your own starter from scratch, and embrace the convenience of our superior dehydrated sourdough starter.

Unleash the aroma of fresh homemade sourdough bread right in your kitchen with our Dehydrated Sourdough Starter!

This instant, quick-action starter allows you to prepare the perfect sourdough loaf in just a few days. Brought back to life by simply adding water and flour, our starter is a blend of all-natural yeast cultures that promise a rich flavor and texture.

Every packet is carefully hand processed from original, master sourdough starter, and dried at a precise temperature that keeps it dormant until you’re ready to bake.

Be it hearty loaves or warm dinner rolls, your baking journey begins here. Your search for ‘where to buy a sourdough starter’ ends with our easy-to-use, traditional sourdough starter.

Weight 0.012 kg


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